Friday, 26 June 2015

The Golden Rule rules us all

This article was brought to you by Andrew and Jacob.

This April, the grade 8 class from Ascension School decided to do a project about the golden rule and how it is the same message spread through out all religions.
Jack a grade 8 says that he think they chose the month April because it is the most important month in the catholic religion so why not do a project on how all religions are spreading the same message.
It has been a fun and exciting project for the whole class, Amy says she enjoyed the project because she could express herself and show the golden rule in her drawing.
Mrs. Giammarco came up with this amazing topic for a project to teach her class about many different religions and how they all are teaching us the same massage and how being different is good.
Each quote has to do with a different religion so that is how they came up with the drawings of different races and religions.
Keelin says all of the quotes relate to the golden rule it all has to do with equality and difference it also relates to our school community.
Are all religions the same but different?

Thank you for sharing grade 8s and we wish you the best in high school!

Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Holy Rosary Makes an Impact in Mrs. Roberts' Class

The next article comes from Sarah and Laura.
Mrs. Roberts' class Holy Rosary project goes public!
For weeks Mrs. Roberts' split class has been working away on a big project. Both 3's and 4's have been making wonderful drawings and have put a lot of effort into it!
We asked some kids what their project was about, and what they did. We got a positive response.
What did you learn about this project?
"That Jesus dies on the cross for us," a grade 4 student answered.
"I learned how Jesus rose from the dead, and I really enjoyed this project," a grade 3 student replied.
"I learned a lot about Mary's Ascension into Heaven to be with Jesus and I enjoyed getting all of the information about Jesus," another grade 3 student responded.
What is the rosary?
"A Rosary is something that has beads on it, and you pray Hail Mary and Our Father," said another grade 3 student. Praying the rosary helps you connect to God. Mrs. Roberts encourages her class to pray the rosary daily. She is very proud of her students' work.

Grade 3s Investigate First Nation's Daily Lives

Our first year end article comes from Hayley and Amanda.

As we know The First Nations were a huge part of our history. Today we thought we’d interview some of the grade three students who had the opportunity to do a project about The First Nations. The Grade 3s in Mrs. Roberts constructed dioramas portraying a scene of what life was like for The First Nations in Canada for their Social Studies class. Here are the questions we asked:
  • “Did you enjoy doing the project?”
  • “What did you learn from it?”
  • “What was your favourite part?”

J. answered, “Yes, I liked the project. I learnt how The First Nations built stuff and did everything on their own with no help. My favourite part about the project was learning about The First Nations.”
R. answered, “Yes, I liked the project. I learnt how The First Nations made their own clothes and blankets. My favourite part was making the actual project.”
C. answered, “Yes, I liked the project. I learnt that The First Nations use the river to wash clothes and they hunt mostly buffalo and they grow their own crops. My favourite part of the project was doing the clay part with all of the objects.”
As you can see these three students really enjoyed learning about the First Nations and  their daily life. The class did an excellent job with their dioramas.