Friday, 2 October 2015

Suddenly it's October!

It's interesting how much we get done on those super busy weeks! We had the Terry Fox walk, We Day and Cross Country, but we also got so much accomplished in class!

I introduced all students to coding in Math. We were working on factoring and defining prime and composite numbers. Now we are moving on to number sense, although it ties into patterning as well. We will be exploring numbers bigger than 1 million and the Grade 7 Extension is exponents. If I don't assign Math homework it's a good idea to keep the Math brain going at home by exploring such sites as ixl, Prodigy or Khan Academy. There will also be links on D2L for additional practice.

We are live with D2L! I'm thrilled, as I like to put as many reading and writing tasks online as I can. I find I can give the most timely descriptive feedback on discussion forums or dropbox, rather than on papers and notebooks I must transport back and forth. The students really impressed me with their knowledge of digital citizenship and we developed rules for bringing their own devices.

A note on progressive discipline. Students will be given one verbal warning when found doing something inappropriate, the second time there will be a call home and the third time students will be asked to leave their electronics at home or in their lockers. I appreciate your support in enforcing these guidelines!

We also covered what it means to be an active listener, and we practice it throughout the day in most subject areas.

As marks begin to trickle back home, usually on Fridays, I'm attaching my Science achievement chart. I will make anecdotal notes of student behaviour and responses especially during lab work and in general, performing the lab safely and cleaning up is meeting my expectations (level 3). Some students are already beginning to exceed my expectations by going above and beyond what I have asked (level 4). On the progress report, these will be the students that will receive a "progressing very well." I prefer to give feedback over marks in general, but there will be some culminating tasks that will have both.

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