Friday, 6 May 2016

Investigate! Invent! Innovate!

After months of collaboration and creation, we had a total of sixteen projects and inventions represented by Ascension's Intermediate students. We began our work by comparing the inquiry process to the engineering process, and I hoped to inspire the students by showing them the following videos:

They wanted to try to invent something new, buy why not try to invent something new that is simply better for the planet?

We came up with a list of connecting ideas from both videos, and connecting Science to Geography. The Grade 8s also shared what they remembered last year about sustainability and the landfill problem. They remembered the artist from the movie Waste Land.

After much planning and collaborating, three Invention Conventions later, there will be a series of blog posts by our Grade 6s who had a chance to interview the inventors about their inventions and their process, as well as next steps. Including hopes for selling their invention!

A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Ciarloni and Mrs. Giammarco who after our first Invention Convention encouraged the students to improve upon their inventions and back boards. The final results were incredible! Also thank you to Mrs. Anderson for her flexibility in letting our Grade 6s work on their blog posts.

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